D33 – Distractions

Jul. 22, 2018 by

I’ve been distracted lately. Really sad, if I’m honest. It doesn’t take much some days, and it was just a rude comment that set me off this time. I think

Archridge Academy: Chibi Dolls

Archridge Academy: Chibi Dolls

Jul. 16, 2018 by

Playing around tonight instead of writing. Do you know who these boys are? (Created at http://www.rinmarugames.com/playgame.php?game_link=mega-chibi-creator)

D27 – Focus

D27 – Focus

Jul. 15, 2018 by

Trying to do everything at once gets you no where. Yesterday was a low day in working on stuff, to where I had thoughts of giving up several times. Not

Day 22 – What genre?

Day 22 – What genre?

Jul. 10, 2018 by

I feel like I’m having difficulty looking at my story objectively. Mainly, for the purpose of figuring out what genre my story belongs to. It’s fiction, and definitely not children’s

Archridge Academy Update

Jul. 4, 2018 by

The last chapter of  Alex and Gabriel’s visit home for the Harvest is completed and updated on AO3. I still feel like I need to find a better place to

Day Twelve Update

Day Twelve Update

Jun. 30, 2018 by

Twelve days after starting to create this site, and I’ve got a short blurb on the about page finally. I like writing, but not about me as a human personally,

Day Eight – It’s Great!

Jun. 27, 2018 by

I swear I’m not going to rhyme in all these titles. This one didn’t have any other defining markers, so it became a rhyme out of lack of another plan.

Twitter Feed

Twitter Feed

Jun. 24, 2018 by

I’ve got Twitter! Going forward, I’m going to be posting daily word count updates to twitter. I realize it kind of makes the blog look cluttered if I do word

June 23 Word Count

June 23 Word Count

Jun. 24, 2018 by

3,504 words written today, an update posted, and another prepared for tomorrow. Working on a new section, introduced a new character. Going strong.

June 23 – Editing

June 23 – Editing

Jun. 23, 2018 by

I’ve been working on the year 3 harvest scene since the beginning of June, and I just wrapped it up yesterday. Today, I sorted out all the abandoned scenes and

Day Five: It’s fine

Jun. 23, 2018 by

Today my oldest flew to DC for a class trip. Sad to see them go, but its only for a few days. It’s a good experience for them. Had to

Chapter Update: Archridge Academy

Jun. 23, 2018 by

Chapter Update for Sons of E’din: Archridge Academy AO3 links: Chapter 87: Gabriel: 1st Degree of Harvest, 595 DE Chapter 88: Alex: 1st Degree of Harvest, 595 DE   Notes: