Twitter Feed

Twitter Feed

Jun. 24, 2018 by

I’ve got Twitter! Going forward, I’m going to be posting daily word count updates to twitter. I realize it kind of makes the blog look cluttered if I do word

June 23 Word Count

June 23 Word Count

Jun. 24, 2018 by

3,504 words written today, an update posted, and another prepared for tomorrow. Working on a new section, introduced a new character. Going strong.

June 23 – Editing

June 23 – Editing

Jun. 23, 2018 by

I’ve been working on the year 3 harvest scene since the beginning of June, and I just wrapped it up yesterday. Today, I sorted out all the abandoned scenes and

June 22 Word Count

June 22 Word Count

Jun. 22, 2018 by

2,164 words written today, only about 445 yesterday, but I reached the end of the section I was in, so that’s a great accomplishment! I’ll be ready to start posting

June 20 Word Count

June 20 Word Count

Jun. 21, 2018 by

4,385 words written today. Some of that was going back and changing the final conversation of yesterday, but most of it was moving forward. Yay!